Dauntless in a $30 Smart Doll Outfit Contest 2024-07-19

I have much to say about Smart Dolls, by Danny Choo, Culture Japan, and I will. But Websites take time to build.

I do want to say, had put off buying a Smart Doll, in fact, was not going to buy one, but after I did, as soon as my first one came, I was IN LOVE!! So much so that... I seem to be buying them, and sewing for them, and working on ideas and videos..... Well? If you have a Smart Doll, you probably KNOW just what I am trying to say. For me, an obsession lately.

I LOVE Meeting other Doll People!~ On Line or In Person. I go to Doll Shows TO MEET other Doll Lovers.

All of this lead to where you are reading this Website. To the Winterfests. To having a lot of Dolly Fun!~ And to Meeting One Another and Supporting One Another.

While I want to work on personal pages here and talk about MY Smart Dolls; But websites take a while to build and right now, I am gearing up for for the SMART DOLL WINTERFEST Jan 2025. So talking about my own Smart Dolls will have to wait.



My 3 Smart Dolls 2024-05-08

Below is what we are WORKING on, PLANNING. It is very early on with these plans and things can change....

I will tell you that the way it will be set up, you can participate as much as YOU like. If you are a shy or quiet person, you can still come and enjoy all the LIVES, but, if you like, no one will know you are there.

As you can see, my Smart Dolls are chatting it over now.


We are Planning the Events Listed Below PLANNING, still working everything out.

All will be LIVE. THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE (or just watch the LIVES) Event.

Join in to meet other Smart Doll Enthusiasts for a week end of Jan. 24, 25, 26, 2025:
Ice Breaker - Introduce Yourself & Your Smart Doll Business
Meet and Greet - more time to meet everyone and get to know them a bit better
Contests - Sewing, Photo, Customs, Knitting, Crocheting, and more. With Prizes and one vote per person
Guest Speakers (If YOU are interested in becoming a Guest Speaker at this Event, please see the Guest Speaker page on this website)
Drops! Drop = Your Links Dropped so that EVERYONE can go and Follow You on your Social Media Platform. You do NOT have to do this, but it is such a good way to get to know one another in this Smart Doll Community.
Crafts - Supplies for making your Crafts, as well as a Tutorial Video Provided. Finish before the Event and Send Us A Photo to be show in the Craft Hour.
Hidden Giveaways Throughout the Week End
Goody Bags

Each Event (per LIVE) we will ask in advance for photos of YOUR Smart Dolls to be shown during the LIVE. There will be themes for the Smart Dolls to dress to. Photos using the themes will have priority in being used per the LIVE.

Cost includes the Week End Events, Friday - Sunday, Goody Bags.

Events will Be 1 Hour Long and Saturday and Sunday, every other hour.


Friday Night LIVE with Introductions and Photos Shown of Dolls. We will also be doing DROPS on Friday Night and perhaps through the week end, depending on how it fits in and how much time we have.

That is, Channel Link Drops (not Sales Items), so that everyone can Subscribe to one another, and or, find out about other Channels they did not know were out there.


We are Proud and Excited To Announce we do have a few Guest Speakers lined up for the Event. Please visit our Guest Speaker page (here on this website) to find out who and to visit their Websites. However, we are looking for more to Join In the Fun.

Would you like to be a Guest Speaker? Would you like to Come and tell us about your Products and your Business?
Send us an email, Marna@LovingMySmartDoll.com Use Capital Letters in your Subject Line with Smart Doll as part of the Text. Inside the note, please include what your Products are, where you sell them, and about your business.

We would ask you to show your products at the LIVE and tell us about how you make them (ie, do you use velcro, snaps, buttons that button the outfit together). Tell us pricing and payments you take.

Guest Speakers will receive the Whole Week End Event and Goody Bag FREE of charge.


If you would like to see your Smart Doll Featured at the LIVE Events, send your themed photos to....

We are planning to show not only Photos Of Contest Participates, but also just show some photos of the Event Participate's Beautiful Smart Dolls. PLEASE do not think for one minute the photos you send in must be perfect. THIS is for everyone, know for sure, YOU take better photos of YOUR Smart Dolls then I do of mine. Don't be shy. THIS Winterfest Event is for everyone!~


These Contests are a LOT of fun, and we keep them as FAIR as we possibly can. For instance, our Sewing Contest, everyone will use the same Pattern, and same fabrics. THIS keeps it fair for everyone. However, for our Crocheted Hat and Scarf Contest AND OR the Knitted Sweater Contest, we want each one to be Unique. Colors, Types, Shapes.

Your Votes will come from the other Smart Doll Enthusiasts that are present at the LIVE. One Vote Per Person Per Contest. There could be Extra Points given for certain things within some of the Contests.

There will be Prizes. Not huge Prizes, but what we think are FUN Prizes.

Also, throughout the Week End, there will be Hidden Giveaways, you never know when, you just have to be there at that LIVE to find out.

We will post ALL of the Rules for each of the Contests as time gets closer and everything is worked out.
MORE INFORMATION TO COME, this is just an overview at this time!~


All Sewing Items for the Contest must be purchased, $3 per Classic Size Packet, $5 for Pear Size Packet, at the time you buy your Tickets to the Winterfest and will come inside your Goody Bags (other than thread, scissors, pins and needles, or other sewing tolls you might use. Those you will need to have for yourself.). From Pattern to Fabric to closures for the item will be included inside your Sewing Contest Packet. THIS will keep the Sewing Contest as Fair as Fair Can Be.

There will be two Contests within the Sewing Contest. We will Vote on them SEPARATELY. My YouTube Channel has always been about encouraging people to sew and craft for their dolls. I want Beginner Sewers to feel at ease about show and entering their item in the Contest.

If you currently use a sewing machine and make clothing for your dolls, your self, or others; or even use your sewing machine for other crafting, YOU would be in the Advanced Sewing Contest.

For this project you will need to make a shirt with Sleeves and a Collar. If you can do this, you will find this Project and easy, and I hope fun, one.

If you sew by hand, just started using patterns, or are BRAND NEW to easy crafts for your own Dolls, this is YOUR Sewing Contest.

There will be a Limit to the amount of Packets Available, and fewer Packets for Pear Shaped Packets, so order YOURS early!~


This will include a Face Up on a 3D Printed Head (Purchased separately and sent inside your Goody Bag), a Wig (extra points if you make your own, with proof), Clothing (extra points if you make your doll's clothing, with proof), Shoes or Boots (extra points if you make them yourself).

We are NOT looking to make money on the 3D Printed Heads. We will keep the cost way down. The idea is that everyone uses the same head to keep the customizing Judging AS FAIR AS WE CAN!~ There will be a Limit of 30 3D Heads, so order Early.


There will be a theme for each of the Photo Contests. A couple of the Photo Contests will have items inside the Goody Bag that must be in the photo....however you would like to set them in the photo.

The Views will Vote on the Winner of the Contests, however, Extra Points could be a factor for the Win. For some of the Contests, Photo Contests included, there will be Extra Points given if you add or do certain things with your doll or the background in the photos. These will be announced in each of the Rules per contest.


Crochet any type of Hat for your Smart Doll with a Matching Scarf. Use any type of Crochet Threads or Yarns YOU choose.


Knit ANY type of Knitted Sweater for your Smart Doll in ANY color, shape, type or stitch YOU choose.

Your Sweater can have a button down front or be pull over.


My Pear Smart Doll Marvel now Maxine

Goody Bags are full of 'FIRE'! to Warm Your Heart on a Winter Day. There will be several items for your Smart Doll enclosed as well as items for Participation in Contests.
The first 25 people to sigh up, will get an extra something in their Goody Bags.
ONE Person Per This Event will receive a PRIZE inside their Goody Bag, something a bit more than the others. It will be sent Randomly.
I am only making 30 Pear Sized Clothing Items for the Goody Bags. IF you ONLY have a Pear or Pear Shaped Smart Doll, PLEASE let us know that when you sign up, and we will TRY to make sure you get a Pear Good Bag. These will probably sell out quickly. If you only have Pear Shaped Smart Doll, sign up right away.
We are not revealing what is in the Goody Bags, but I promise you, there is more than $XX worth of items included.
Our Goody Bags will come in a Reusable Zip Lock Bags (or just the Shipping Box). 2 Reasons: First, the environment. Second, Cost and Time. We would rather send fun things INSIDE the Bag, than a Bag you may never reuse or throw away. A Zip Lock can be used for storage or so many other ways.


All or Any Other 1/3 BJD or BJD type dolls are MORE than welcome, however, Photos, Contests, Events are mostly about Smart Dolls. While we are NOT Doll Snobs, and do NOT condone it, we could not possibly offer sizes for each type of Doll. The Focus is on Smart Dolls, but ALL 1/3 Dolls are MORE than Welcome!

Most items in the Goody Bags will fit other 1/3 Dolls, however, the Clothing items were made to fit the Culture Japan Smart Doll Bodies.

That Said: When you introduce yourself and when we do the 'DROPS', you would, CERTAINLY WILL, be included. For our Crafts and other Sewing Items you could adjust the Pattern for the 1/3 doll YOU own.

Also, when I say, Any and All, I really mean that. I have several very inexpensive, aliexpress, 1/3 Dolls that I love. They are cute and fun and have such pretty faces. A couple of them were less than $20. Any and All 1/3 Dolls are Welcome, no Doll Snobbery Allowed at this event.


We plan to have Crafts both Saturday and Sunday for Smart Dolls, as well as a LIVE to talk about our finished items. The Crafts will have their own page here in the Private Section of this Website. There will be Instructions and Patterns when needed put up early so that you have time to work on your own Crafts and show off your photos of them.

For those that would like to, we will ask for you to send us photos of your completed Craft for LIVE viewing. We will talk about the Crafts, how it went for anyone that would like to talk about it, what they would do different, and if they added anything to the Craft itself.


My Second Smart Doll 2024-03-15

All that information is coming. We are still working on trying to keep the cost way down and still be able to send a Fun Goody Bag, Prizes, Do all the Lives, and about every other detail you can think of. We will need to check all Postage Costs before setting prices.

I Do Understand how important these questions are. I really do. And rest assured we are working on all the Details.

The Event is Week End Long and will be Held January 24, 25 and 26, 2025.

We are working REALLY HARD to Keep The Price As Affordable As We Possibly Can so that EVERYbody can join in on the Fun...we also understand that Christmas just cost everyone attending. We won't be asking anyone to sign up before August. Probably early Sept., so that people have time for the Crafts and Contest preparations. Wink

All that said, we sure hope you will start thinking ahead and planning to attend.


The plan is for this Website to have PRIVATE pages for all of the Smart Doll Winterfest Events and LIVES.

The contents of this page for Front Page is still under construction. Please check back later and often.

-- The Loving My Smart Doll Team
Tue, 07 May 2024 15:11:20 -0500

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