Winterfest 2026 Schedule

We will fill this in as Events are set up.

Jan 23, 2026, 6 pm Central - MEET AND GREET:

We are PLANNING Friday Night Jan 23, 2026 for the Ice Breaker. At this Event we plan for each person (that wants to) to give Links to their own Youtube as Well as Other Social Media Pages, including Doll Related Business Links. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE YOURS IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO! This will be done orderly fashion and you will have to WAIT til asked to DROP your link. This is o Meet and Greet and Stay In Touch, it is a Great Way to Grow Your Channel/ Page/Businesses. Let others, who have the same type dolls, know you are there. This is, or Was in the past, called "A Drop". The Links are Dropped and everyone clicks to come to YOUR sites.

SATURDAY MORNING - Jan 24, 2026 10 am:


SATURDAY NOON - Jan 24, 2025 12 pm:[/subtitle]

Guest Speaker:

SATURDAY AFTERNOON - Jan 24, 2026 2 pm:

Guest Speaker:

Custom 1/3 Doll = Anything Space. These could be Astronauts, Aliens, or a Charater from a beloved Space Show such as Star Trek or Star Wars. ANYTHING Space.:

These should be AMAZING and Out Of This World!~ There is a LOT of work that goes into any Doll Custom. And who could guess what some people might come up with. Don't forget the outfits too.

This will be a Blind Voting Contest. No one will know til after the Event who's doll was who's. Bring a piece of paper and pencil to make notes as you watch, you only get to Vote on ONE.
Discussion on: Custom Dolls (any dolls) When was the first time you saw someone repaint a doll's face? Have YOU ever repainted a doll? And so much more.

SATURDAY AFTERNOON - Jan 24, 2026 4 pm:

Guest Speaker:

Beginner Sewing Contest

SATURDAY EVENING - Jan 24, 2026 6 pm:

Custom 1/3 Doll Contest = Jane Jetsen

This could be a VERY INTENSE Contest, a LOT of work went into these Customs. Not only will the Participants do Face Ups on the Doll's Faces, some with have other Body Parts that they have enhanced. Some will be making Wigs, and Sewing their doll's Outfit. A LOT of work went into each of the UNIQUE and probably ONE OF A KIND Dolls you will see here.

This will be a Blind Voting Contest. No one will know til after the Event who's doll was who's. Bring a piece of paper and pencil to make notes as you watch, you only get to Vote on ONE.
Discussion on: Custom Dolls (any dolls) When was the first time you saw someone repaint a doll's face? Have YOU ever repainted a doll? And so much more.

SUNDAY MORNING - Jan 25, 2026 10 am:

Guest Speakers -

Photo Contest:

Photo Theme: Pets This could be the Doll's pets or maybe your dolls in a photo with YOUR pets.

SUNDAY NOON - Jan 25, 2026 12 pm:

[b][color=#0000ff]Guest Speaker -

Photo Contest: .

SUNDAY - AFTERNOON Jan 25, 2026 2 pm


SUNDAY AFTERNOON - Jan 25, 2026 4 pm:

Advanced Sewer Sewing Contest There will be Sewing Kits and THIS is going to be a "Close Race". But here is "The Thing", these Sewing Contests, while the Sewing is not that hard, have Puzzles for the Participates to figure out before cutting their fabrics, and again, sewing them together. You won't want to miss this Event.

YOU will be the Judges, and the Voting is Blind. Blind because you will only see numbers, not names, of who the items belongs to. Bring a Piece of Paper and Pen to take notes as the photos of these items are shown. THIS IS GOING TO BE A LOT OF FUN!

Photo Theme: PJs, Slumber Parties, and Pets

SUNDAY EVENING - Jan 25, 2026 6 pm:

We REALLY hope you will attend this Event. We REALLY want to hear your perspective of the Week Ends Event. Did YOU have a Good Time. Did YOU like the way the Contests were held? What would YOU like to see in the Goody Bags next Year?

This Session will be, for the most part, an overview and talk about Winterfest 2026, if there is enough interest in another Event Next Year
Also and most important. Please come so we are able to be able to say "See You On Line" to our old and new friends.
Photo Theme: Dolls Waving Good Bye

Fortitude Hearts PJs Shoe Sole Slippers

Remember. You and your Smart Dolls are welcome to Attend in your PJs. Some of the Events will be in the Evenings and no one can see you anyway...BUT! We sure hope you Join In, Typing to us.

All Times Listed Will Be Central Standard Times

All times listed, when the actual Schedule comes out, will be listed in Central Standard Time. You might have to do an Internet Search for what time that is where you live so that you do not miss out on ONE MINUTE of the fun.

We are PLANNING Friday Night Jan 24, 2025 for the Ice Breaker. At this Event we plan for each person (that wants to) to give Links to their own Youtube as Well as Other Social Media Pages, including Doll Related Business Links. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE YOURS IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO! This will be done orderly and you will have to wait til asked to DROP your link. This is to Meet and Greet and Stay In Touch, it is a Great Way to Grow Your Channel/Page/Businesses. Let others, who have the same type dolls, know you are there. This is, or was in the past, called "A Drop". The Links are Dropped and everyone clicks and Joins.

Sat. Jan 25, 2025 and Sun. Jan 26th, we have events planned throughout the day. We are HOPING to have an Event every other hour or so. BUT! Deron still has to work out all the technology for these... As I say, PLANNING. We are still planning.

We have some WONDERFUL Guest Speakers Planned, and are HOPING for more to sign up.

We HOPE to have the Events, such as Guest Speakers, Crafts and Contests at the same time each day. The Guest Speakers, since we have two (so far) from the UK, will probably be first thing in the morning (here in the Central USA)...their afternoon.

The contents of this page for Winterfest 2025 Schedule is still under construction. Please check back later.

-- The Loving My Smart Doll Team
Fri, 12 Jul 2024 08:14:43 -0500

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