For Winterfest 2026 we are asking for Help. Thank you for your consideration, it is MUCH appreciated.
Here is what we are looking for:
Guest Speakers
Do YOU have a Talent, a Doll Event, or Shop that you would like to come and talk to us about?
We ask for about a 15 minute Video to be played during the Event. Then we ask for you to be present LIVE to answer questions and just Chat with the Group.
Contact us if you are Interested. Marna@LovingMySmartDoll.com
Patterns Created
We offer Sewing Contests for both Advance and Beginner Sewers. We are hoping someone would make the Patterns this year. These would be credited to you, but offered only on our Website in the Private Area, FREE of charge to those that participate.
We are looking for Unique Patterns that are not offered anywhere else so that they are a UNIQUE Gift to Participates. At least until April of 2026.
Craft with DIY Video to be played during Winterfest for people to Follow as they make their Craft
You would need to either mail us the items each person would need for your Craft by Nov. 5, 2026, or provide a list that YOU copy out and send us for the items needed, also needed to us by Nov. 5, 2026. I will not have time to do all the printing and cutting for each Goody Bag to provide for YOUR Craft.
GOODY BOX DONATIONS sent to us by Nov 5, 2026
This is a WONDERFUL way to advertise your Smart Doll, 1/3 Doll, Business. You will be placing your Business Card and a small Gift into EACH person's hands.
We are asking that these are a Goody, NOT a sticker. Something for the doll. You may add a sticker to your Goody, but not a sticker alone.
If you plan a Clothing Item, we would ask that a few be made in Pear Shape. some people ONLY have a Pear Shaped Smart Doll.
Making And Sending Prizes To Contest Winners
If you could create an item for a 1/3 Doll, for example: a Dress, or Pair of Jeans, to Donate From YOU, to a Prize Winner, then send it direct to the Winner, this would help out a LOT!~
I would ask that the item (or items) be made by Nov. 5th 2026, and a Photo sent to Winterfest 2026, so that we could show the item, not only at Winterfest, but also on the Website on a created page just for the Donated Prizes. We would probably show these in Videos on our site, naming YOU as the Donator, talking about the upcoming Winterfest Event. This would create a lot of Advertising for your Shop and or Website.
OR!! If you would like to give a $Gift Certificate to Your Shop. This could be sent electronically.
The contents of this page for ~~YOUR HELP IS APPRECIATED! is still under construction. Please check back later!
-- The Loving My Smart Doll Team Mon, 27 Jan 2025 14:49:54 +0000