Winterfest Contests 2026

All Contests will be kept as Fair and Even as we can possibly make them.
They will all be announced early enough for you to make your items and send in the photos for Judging before the Event Week End. Well? That is IF you spend the time to get the items finished. 
Some of the Contests will have items that will come in your Goody Bag. There will be sewing, from Patterns given here on this website on the Private Pages (still to come, access after sign up). Custom Dolls, one with the 3D Printed Head sent in the Goody Box. Photo Contests. Crochet and Knit. There will be more to come.
Don't Fret. I believe their is something for everyone. You might not be a Customizer, but we have a Contest or several that EVERYONE can Join In.
You do not have to sign up for ANY of the Contests, or, you can sign up for ALL of the Contests, that is up to YOU. But I am betting, they are going to be fun to watch and hard to decide who to Vote for.
The Contests will be voted on by the people at that LIVE. There will, for some of the Contests, be extra points on top of the Voting that will be added in for the total count before the Winner is chosen.
As Always, We ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to Join In. Beginners, in any of the Categories, or ALL the Categories, are MORE than Welcome and Certainly Encouraged to Join In....who know? YOU could Win a Prize!~
It is NOT about the Winning, it is about Having Fun and seeing everyone's Talents and just having fun!~
This is an overview of what we are PLANNING for the Contests in Jan 2026 at the Smart Doll Winterfest. Keep in mind, THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please Check Back Often.
These Contests are a LOT of fun, and we keep them as FAIR as we possibly can. For instance, our Sewing Contest, everyone will use the same Pattern, and same fabrics. THIS keeps it fair for everyone. However, for our Crocheted Hat and Scarf Contest AND OR the Knitted Sweater Contest, we want each one to be Unique. Colors, Types, Shapes.
Your Votes will come from the other Smart Doll Enthusiasts that are present at the LIVE. One Vote Per Person Per Contest. There could be Extra Points given for certain things within some of the Contests.
There will be Prizes. Not huge Prizes, but what we think are FUN Prizes.
Also, throughout the Week End, there will be Hidden Giveaways, you never know when, you just have to be there at that LIVE to find out.
We will post ALL of the Rules for each of the Contests as time gets closer and everything is worked out. MORE INFORMATION TO COME, this is just an overview at this time!~
Deron and I have purchased BOLTS of fabric for the Winterfest Sewing Contests. However, we decided NOT to include these Sewing Contest Packets in every Goody Bag. These packets will be an add on to your Ticket. THIS keeps the cost of the Event down, as well as cuts way back on waste. Not everyone sews, not everyone needs both Packets, and not everyone will want to be in the Contest, (That is a Shame, because I think these will really be fun).
There will be a Limited Supply for each of the Advanced and Beginner Projects, and even fewer made for the Pear Shaped Smart Dolls, so buy early. There are some people that ONLY own Pear Shaped Smart Dolls. If you are one, let us know when you order. If the Pear Packets are Sold Out, we can offer the Classic Size.
Please do not think we are going to make money on the Packets (or the event), we are going to keep the cost to about $x per Classic Size Sewing Contest Packet, $x for Pear Size Sewing Contest Packet, and that will include, as I said, about everything you need to participate.
Everything you will need for the Contest will be included in your Sewing Contest Packets, (other than thread, scissors, pins and needles, or other sewing tools you might use. Those you will need to have for yourself.). From Pattern to Fabric to closures for the item will be included inside your Goody Bag. THIS will keep the Sewing Contest as Fair as Fair Can Be.
BEGINNER AND ADVANCED There will be two Contests within the Sewing Contest. We will Vote on them SEPARATELY. My YouTube Channel has always been about encouraging people to sew and craft for their dolls. I want Beginner Sewers to feel at ease about showing and entering their items in the Contest.
You MUST order your Sewing Contest Packet with your Tickets for the Winterfest.
ADVANCED: If you currently use a sewing machine and make clothing for your dolls, or for your self, or others; or even use your sewing machine for other crafting, YOU would be in the Advanced Sewing Contest.
PLEASE NOTE!: We are calling this Contest "Advanced", however, if you can sew on Sleeves and add a Collar to your Shirt, YOU are going to find this an EASY Project. As we have said (and said, over and over) THIS whole Event, the Whole Winterfest, is about getting together, getting to know one another a bit better, and having fun!~
BEGINNER: If you sew by hand, just started using patterns, or are BRAND NEW to easy crafts for your own Dolls, this is YOUR Sewing Contest.
The Project will take a little time, but is, when broken down to each part, very easy. The fabric we will be sending is Stretch Knit, so you will probably need to pin as you sew.

There will be one 3D Printed Head, OPTIONAL for the Contest, included in the Goody Box for the Winterfest 2026 Event. Keep in mind, there are TWO Custom Contests. If you would need an extra head to participate, contact us early. We may have an extra for a small printing fee.
The Custom Contest will include a Face Up that could be done on the 3D Printed Head will come inside the Goody Box. Extra points if you make your own doll's Wig, (with video proof), Clothing, Shoes or Boots.
If you have a Custom Smart Doll, that YOU made yourself, one you have had for a while, please feel free to enter it into the Custom Contest.
You are MORE than welcome to Enter Any or ALL of the Contests for the week end.
There will be a themes for each of the Photo Contests. A couple of the Photo Contests will have items inside the Goody Bag that must be in the photo....however you would like to set them up in your photo.
No Photoshopping or Filters.
Crochet or Knit any type of Hat for your Smart Doll with a Matching Scarf. Use any type of Threads or Yarns YOU choose.
You may have TWO entries in this Contest.
If you know Deron and I, then you know that there is a chance we will have am Unannounced Contest of one sort or another. We will wait and see.
For each Contest, there will be a prize. They are undetermined right now, but it would be one of these ideas; clothing and or an outfit for your Smart Doll, something 3D Printed just for Smart Dolls, or other ideas that we have not even thought of yet.
Prizes will be shown on the LIVES along with the Contest it pertains to.
The contents of this page for Winterfest Contests is still under construction. Please check back later!
-- The Loving My Smart Doll Team Tue, 07 May 2024 16:35:51 -0500