My Own Smart Dolls

Divergence in Black Navy and Coffee

I just started this page and will add more photos to come. I might not have a photo of each or all of my Smart Dolls here, but that makes it fun, ey?

How many dolls (or how many of a certain doll) do you own? This is a question I usually do NOT answer. You can not win if you do answer this. People either think you are a nut, a hoarder, OR that do not have enough, of said dolls, for them to waste their time talking to you. People are funny. They really DO Judge you by how many dolls, or how many of a Certain Doll you own or do not own.

That said: My answer to this question is usually; "Some days too many, other days, not enough."

I will tell you this.

I have 'several' Smart Dolls. I have a Blue, a Pear; as well as vinyl colors of Cocoa, Tea, Cinnamon and Cyber Shell Black Navy, colored Smart Dolls. I have Vampires, yes, more than one, a Zombie, I have Semi Real, Anime and a few in between. I have long haired wigs, short haired wigs, blue wigs, brown wigs, black wigs, blonde wigs, red wigs, and all these just the wigs I have from Culture Japan.

I also have more than one of some of the Smart Dolls, in more than one color, or call it, skin tone.

So far, and for now, all the photos on this site are of my own Smart Dolls. (other than Dolly Meet Up and PUDDLE pages) And I am REALLY bad about taking photos. But. I do have at least one photo of each doll somewhere on this site.


I also have, extra Smart Doll heads. That is, Extra heads from Culture Japan, in Cocoa, Tea and Cinnamon, more than one each per color.


Extra Boobs, Culture Japan, in more that one size.

On to what I might have that is bought other places or made by Deron on the 3D Printer.

Heads, Boobs, Wigs, Clothing, Oh Yes, I do have Culture Japan clothing pieces too...

And in fact, Deron has printed (but not finished) a full 3D Printed 1/3 Doll...

How Many Smart Dolls Do I Own? Not as many as I will. I have a pretty long list of Smart Dolls I still want to buy from Culture Japan, and I also keep an eye on the '2nd hand' market as well.

Photos Of Some Of My Smart Dolls

I plan more photos soon. Wink

Just Out Of Their Boxes 2024-06-13

Onward and The Moon Is Made Of Cheese just out of their boxes, 2024-06-13. These two dolls we bought on the same day. I just LOVED them both and needed them each.

My Pear Smart Doll Marvel now Maxine Transendence at the Grave Yard

I like my Smart Dolls in all sorts of ways, Pretty and Sexy and also A Little Bit Edgy.

Summer Swim Wear Pary 2024-07-14 Transendence Black On The Beach  2024-07-16

Just a few Smart Dolls for a Swim Wear Party. Onward wants to know? Barbie Who?

The second photo is of Transcendence in Tea, wearing a Black Swimsuit I made for a Dolls Gone Goth Video 7-16-2024.

Bought Before Coffee Came Out

Divergence in Coffee 2024-09-30

I bought this Beauty BEFORE she came out on Oct 1, 2024....well?, kinda. Like my Looking For Trouble Smart Doll, we are 14 hours behind Japan, on the Clock that is, and here, it was 2024-09-30 when we bought her.

I love Divergence American Indian skin look!~ When I was a child, I had MANY American Indian Dolls, and really, I still have many today.

I was thinking I would wait for Reflection to come out in Coffee. I was looking at Divergence, and looking, and thinking, when Deron said to me, "I took that decision away from you." He went ahead and bought her before I decided I wanted her and she was gone. What A Sweetheart!~

-- The Loving My Smart Doll Team
Wed, 10 Jul 2024 09:04:48 -0500

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